tadao negishi
ぷーディナーで利用しました! お店もキレイ、マスターもお人柄良くてとても気に入りました! なんと言っても、お料理は何を食べても美味しい!! 味付けは濃すぎず、でも薄っぺらい訳ではなくて、語彙力欠けますが本...ディナーで利用しました!
(Translated by Google)
I used it for dinner!
The store was clean and the master was very friendly and I really liked it!
After all, the food is delicious no matter what you eat! !
The seasoning isn't too strong, but it's not too light, and although I'm lacking in vocabulary, it's really delicious...!
The cost performance is the best (*^^*)
This is a store I recommend when you come to Kumagaya ☆ -
M誕生日のディナーで利用させて頂きました。 パマルコースを注文したのですが足りるかな?足りないかな?と悩んでいたところ、途中で追加で頼んでも大丈夫ですよとの事でしたので追加でポルチーニ茸のクリームパス...誕生日のディナーで利用させて頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for my birthday dinner.
I ordered the pamaru course, but I wonder if it's enough? Is it not enough? I was wondering about this, but they said it was okay to order more on the way, so I ordered an additional serving of cream pasta with porcini mushrooms, and all the dishes were delicious. The potage was especially delicious and I ate a lot of bread before going to the main course!
The birthday plates were gorgeous and cute, the staff was friendly, and it was a French restaurant that you could go to without pretentiousness! -
(Translated by Google)
The food for lunch was reasonably priced and very delicious. The beef stew omelette rice was the most delicious beef stew I've ever had. The salad was very delicious, using plenty of high-quality baby leaves with a strong flavor. The course is also reasonably priced and seems to offer authentic French cuisine, so I think I'll try the course next time. -
Mio Oida
yellow green今回はコース料理を注文しました。 前菜、メイン、デザートとどれも盛付けが綺麗で、ボリュームもちょうどよくてとても美味しかったです。 また、誕生日祝いに豪華なプレートを用意していただき、本人にも喜んで...今回はコース料理を注文しました。
(Translated by Google)
This time I ordered a course meal.
The appetizers, main dishes, and desserts were all beautifully presented, the portions were just right, and the food was delicious.
Also, I was glad that they prepared a gorgeous plate for my birthday, which made the person happy. thank you very much. -
M toshibone
o kannaすっごく美味しくて ボリュームたっぷりで 大満足でした( ˊᵕˋ ) (Translated by Google) It's so delicious With plenty of volume I was very satisfied ( ˊᵕˋ )すっごく美味しくて
大満足でした( ˊᵕˋ )
(Translated by Google)
It's so delicious
With plenty of volume
I was very satisfied ( ˊᵕˋ ) -
j matsuパ マルさん、すごくすごくいいお店ですね。 ドラマ「シェフは名探偵」と同じ店名!? って思って、名前負けしてない?って思いながら入りましたが、やさしいお味で、こんなランチが理想!!!ってプレートです!...パ マルさん、すごくすごくいいお店ですね。
(Translated by Google)
Pamaru-san, this is a really, really nice shop.
Same restaurant name as the drama “Chef is a Detective”! ?
Isn't the name too good to be true? That's what I thought when I went in, but with such a gentle taste, this would be the ideal lunch! ! ! It's a plate!
Even the dessert is delicious, and I have no complaints about it (^-^) -
カノー娘のBD祝いで利用させて頂きました。 熊谷駅南口から徒歩ですぐ!駐車場🅿️もありとても良い立地!店内も雰囲気良く、落ち着いた素敵な時間を提供して頂きました。今回はシェフコースを頂きました。シャンパンで乾...娘のBD祝いで利用させて頂きました。
熊谷駅南口から徒歩ですぐ!駐車場🅿️もありとても良い立地!店内も雰囲気良く、落ち着いた素敵な時間を提供して頂きました。今回はシェフコースを頂きました。シャンパンで乾杯して白、赤と頂きながらお皿の上の芸術を堪能しました。どれをとってもランクアップなお味で、市内のフレンチレストラン色々行ってますがコチラがピカイチだ!と子供達が口を揃えて言う程、美味しい素敵なテーブルでした!お願いしておいたバースデープレートも素敵なプレートをご用意して頂き感謝です。 これからはフレンチと云えばココになりそうです(^^)
(Translated by Google)
I used it for my daughter's BD celebration.
Just a short walk from the south exit of Kumagaya Station! Very good location with parking lot 🅿️! The store had a nice atmosphere and we had a wonderful and relaxing time. This time I had the chef course. We toasted with champagne and enjoyed the art on the plates while drinking white and red. All of the flavors are top-notch, and I've been to many French restaurants in the city, but this one is by far the best! It was such a delicious and wonderful table that all the children said in unison! Thank you for preparing a nice birthday plate for me that I requested. From now on, when you think of French, this will be the place to go (^^)
It was very delicious! thank you very much! -
ピカルあまりフランス料理を食べることは無いのですが、フランス料理としては、コスパが良く、とても美味しく頂きました。 皆、上品かつ優しい味で満足しています。 (Translated by Google) I don't often eat French ...あまりフランス料理を食べることは無いのですが、フランス料理としては、コスパが良く、とても美味しく頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I don't often eat French food, but for French food, it was reasonably priced and very delicious.
Everyone is satisfied with the elegant and gentle taste. -
アトム27熊谷のビストロ パ マル (bistro pas mal)さん^ ^ プレートランチのつもりでしたがコースもやってるとの事でパ・マルコース^_^ 乾杯はスパークリングワイン🥂 メインに合わせ🍷とミモザd( ̄  ̄) 前菜のサーモン、...熊谷のビストロ パ マル (bistro pas mal)さん^ ^
メインに合わせ🍷とミモザd( ̄  ̄)
(Translated by Google)
Bistro Pas Mal in Kumagaya ^ ^
I was planning on having a plate lunch, but since they also offer courses, I ended up having a pa mar course ^_^
Cheers to sparkling wine🥂
Match with the main dish 🍷 and mimosa d( ̄  ̄)
The salmon appetizer is delicious and has high expectations.
The meat is surprisingly soft!
The pan-fried sea bream is plump and the sauce is delicious♪
Desserts are also very satisfying ^_^
It was delicious.
I want to try the roast beef next time♪ -
ともか*味がとても美味しかったです。素材が良いと思いました。プレートランチを食べたのですが、プレートにレタスなどの緑が入るとより良くなると思いました。 (Translated by Google) The taste was very delicious. ...味がとても美味しかったです。素材が良いと思いました。プレートランチを食べたのですが、プレートにレタスなどの緑が入るとより良くなると思いました。
(Translated by Google)
The taste was very delicious. I thought the material was good. I had a plate lunch and thought it would be better if there was some greenery like lettuce on the plate. -
k15 4430
See Masa
りえぷぷ期間限定メニューでしたがとても美味しかったです。他のメニューも頂きたいと思いました。 (Translated by Google) It was a limited time menu, but it was very delicious. I would like to try other menu it...期間限定メニューでしたがとても美味しかったです。他のメニューも頂きたいと思いました。
(Translated by Google)
It was a limited time menu, but it was very delicious. I would like to try other menu items as well. -
Fu-ta Gazenランチで伺いました。 ローストビーフに舌鼓! 今度は夜伺います☆ (Translated by Google) I visited for lunch. Enjoy the roast beef! Next time I will visit you at night ☆ランチで伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I visited for lunch.
Enjoy the roast beef!
Next time I will visit you at night ☆ -
山本英則フルコースを頂いたがボリュームは充分、前菜からデザートまで高水準の美味しい料理であった。 (Translated by Google) I had a full course meal, and the portion was ample, and the food was delicious and ...フルコースを頂いたがボリュームは充分、前菜からデザートまで高水準の美味しい料理であった。
(Translated by Google)
I had a full course meal, and the portion was ample, and the food was delicious and of a high standard, from appetizers to dessert. -
Mori Yuki🎉🎉熊谷で素敵なフレンチして見つけました~ラッキー!BISTRO PAS MALビイストロ パマル(日本語訳 ビストロ いい感じ)😀おすすめランチコースでローストビーフ、上毛牛の赤身肉でホースラディッシュ付き旨味た...🎉🎉熊谷で素敵なフレンチして見つけました~ラッキー!BISTRO PAS MALビイストロ パマル(日本語訳 ビストロ いい感じ)😀おすすめランチコースでローストビーフ、上毛牛の赤身肉でホースラディッシュ付き旨味たっぷりで堪能させてもらいました!あと別コースには旨そうなビーフたっぷりのハンバーグもあり次回にオーダしますね~ア・ラ・カルトで美味しそうなビストロアイテムが豊富でした~パリのフレンチバルみたいデス、特に秀逸なのは手作りクレームブリュレでした(写真見てね)なんと価格300円これにはおもわずこれって青山の○ノワと同じ味わいにびっくり、シェフは製菓も出来るんだと感動!コースにはセットで付いてますよ😃熊谷で(失礼ながら)フランスのボルドーワインの名門ジネステ社のボルドー赤が飲めるなんてそれもグラス700円なんてありえない!(それも高そうなワイングラス(グラスふちが薄い♪)でのサービスに超感動!)~あと高いワイン置いてなくて庶民の味方デス🥹オーナシェフは気さくな方でカジュアルにフレンチを愉しんで欲しいとの願いで開店なさったそうです~これから楽しみのフレンチレストランです。またゆきますね~次回はシャンパン飲みたいですね😁
(Translated by Google)
🎉🎉I found a wonderful French restaurant in Kumagaya ~ Lucky! BISTRO PAS MAL Bistro Pamal (Japanese translation: Bistro, nice) 😀 The recommended lunch course was roast beef, and Joge beef lean meat with horseradish, which was full of flavor! Another course was a delicious-looking hamburger with plenty of beef. There is also I'll order it next time ~ It was a la carte and had a wide variety of delicious-looking bistro items ~ It was like a French bar in Paris, and the handmade crème brûlée was especially outstanding (see the photo), and it cost 300 yen. This tastes just like Aoyama's ○nowa. I was surprised and impressed that the chef can also make confectionery! It comes as a set with the course 😃 In Kumagaya (excuse me), you can drink Bordeaux red from France's prestigious Bordeaux wine company Gineste for 700 yen a glass. Impossible! (That also seems expensive) I was very impressed by the service at the rasp (with a thin glass rim!) ~Also, they don't have expensive wine, so it's a place for ordinary people🥹The owner/chef is a friendly person, and he opened this restaurant with the hope that people can enjoy French cuisine in a casual manner. That's right ~ this is a French restaurant that I'm looking forward to going to. I'll go again ~ Next time I'd like to drink champagne 😁 -
久保亜里紗お店が新しくなったとお誘いがあり、家族で来店しました どの料理もとても美味しくて、ライスコロッケ、カルパッチョ、ソーセージの盛り合わせ、デザートの盛り合わせなど頼みましたが、特にローストビーフは柔ら...お店が新しくなったとお誘いがあり、家族で来店しました
(Translated by Google)
I was invited to the new store, so I went there with my family.
All the dishes were very delicious, and we ordered rice croquettes, carpaccio, assorted sausages, and assorted desserts, but the roast beef in particular was tender and delicious!
I heard it was a French restaurant, but it had a casual feel, so it was nice to be able to come in easily, and the atmosphere inside was calm, so I was able to enjoy a meal with my family.
It was also nice that the chef was friendly. -
ゆっちSG9パ・マルコースと季節のアヒージョ、ソーセージの盛り合わせを頂きました。 赤ワインに詳しくないので、おまかせでお願いしましたが、とても飲みやすく食事とも合うので、ついついお酒が進んでしまいました😋 次...パ・マルコースと季節のアヒージョ、ソーセージの盛り合わせを頂きました。
(Translated by Google)
I had Pas Marcos, seasonal ajillo, and an assortment of sausages.
I don't know much about red wine, so I asked for the wine to be ordered, but it was so easy to drink and went well with food that I couldn't help but drink it.
Next time I would like to try the grilled salt pork and roast beef. -
ちゃん。1子供と2人で利用しました。 とても話しやすいオーナーシェフさんです。 メニューもたくさんあったので、今回はお魚を選びましたが、次回はお肉も食べたいと思います。 また行きます☺︎ (Translated by Google) I ...子供と2人で利用しました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it with my two children.
The owner/chef is very easy to talk to.
There were many options on the menu, so I chose fish this time, but next time I would like to try meat as well.
I will go again ☺︎ -
山口嘉康ローストビーフがとっても美味しかったです! お店の方も話しやすくて良いです♪ (Translated by Google) The roast beef was very delicious! The staff at the store are also easy to talk to.ローストビーフがとっても美味しかったです!
(Translated by Google)
The roast beef was very delicious!
The staff at the store are also easy to talk to. -